The Ultimate Micronutrients Guide

We know that men and women have different nutritional needs, we’re two sides of a diverse nutritional coin! From hormones to muscle mass, we require different levels of nutrients to thrive. We have unique needs and when it comes to micronutrients, there are some we ladies simply need more of. Here is your guide to the four essential nutrients women should pay closer attention to.
Due to menstruation and the fact that we don’t seem to be as big on red meat compared to men, women are more likely to suffer from an iron deficiency.
Iron is vital to our overall health, so it’s crucial we’re meeting our iron needs, and if you’re a vegan, you have to be extra careful!
Read all about the importance of iron for women here.
Calcium plays many roles in the body including strengthening bones, regulating heart functioning, and regulating muscle functioning. Our bodies can’t produce calcium on their own, so it’s important we get it through our diet.
The primary reason calcium is more important for women is because we are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men, so we need to pay more attention to the micronutrients that contribute to bone strength.
We need to pay even closer attention to our calcium intake as we get older too, in fact there are other nutrients we need more of as we age too!
Magnesium supports bone health – we all know calcium supports strong bones, but what you mightn’t know is that magnesium helps the absorption of calcium in our bones!
Without enough magnesium, we’re doing our bones a disservice. Read more about why we ladies need more magnesium here.
Vitamin D
Just like magnesium, vitamin D lends a helping hand in how our bodies use calcium. Without enough vitamin D, our bodies can’t metabolise and regulate calcium properly.
An inadequate intake of vitamin D can take a toll on our mental state too, and for the ladies who work indoors, it can be hard to reach your daily dose! So, read about how you can get more vitamin D without the sun here.
Think of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D as the strong bone trifecta! As for iron? It powers energy production, so we need to make sure we're getting enough to thrive.
Not sure if you’re meeting all your nutritional needs? Find out how to spot the signs of a deficiency here and make sure you're getting regular health check-ups to know if there's any lifestyle changes you can make to maximise your health and wellbeing.